About Us:
We are a familiy owned business with over 14 years of real estate experience. We own an operate several Mobile Home communities accross the US as well as a successful portfolio of rentals in the Cleveland (OH) area. Over the past several years we have accrued and stabilized a number of distressed properties and turned them into safe and affordable rentals.

Dmitri Korobov (aka. Dima)
By day - a software developer a dad and a husband.
By night and the weekends - a passionate real estate investor with over a decade of experience.
Our Goals:
Our goal is to acquire more mobile home communities throughout the US and provide safe, clean and affordable housing for hardworking blue-collar people.
How we are different from other buyers:
- We value our time and will not waste your time either.
We do our research before making an offer.
We will never 'throw' an offer at you without making a good amount of research first. Our offer will be justified and thorough. We also check with out lender if the park can be financed.
We don’t low-ball.
We will never make a deliberately low offer in the hopes that it will be accepted. We make an offer based on what this park is worth and what it can be financed for.
- We have experience, money and ability to close. We strive to be a trustworthy and a reliable buying partner.
Also feel free to Contact Us if you would like to invest with us or have a Mobile Home Park for sale.
Out Holdings:

Towne North Mobile Home Community
301 International Blvd, Laredo, TX 78045
Park features 144 mobile home spaces and 48 RV spaces

Northland Mobile Home Park
746 North Main Street, Ada, OH 45810
Park features 94 spaces with 41 occupied. City Water/Sewer, paved roads.

Jackson Mobile Home Park
2240 Brooklyn Road, Jackson, MI 49203
Park features 80 spaces with 38 occupied. City Water/Sewer.